General Club Questions
Q: What is club volleyball?
Club volleyball is much like other select sports. There are open tryouts for team selections after which teams will practice 2-3 times per week and play a tournament approximately every other weekend for 4 – 7 months depending on the age group.
Q: What are the age group definitions for the 2024-2025 season?
More details on age group definitions can be found by reviewing the USA Volleyball
Junior Player Age Definitions. Age group definitions for 2024-25 season are as follows:
U18 – Players born on or after July 1, 2006, or Player born on or after July 2005 and a high school student in the twelfth grade.
U17 – Players born on or after July 1, 2007
U16 – Players born on or after July 1, 2008
U15 – Players born on or after July 1, 2009
U14 – Players born on or after July 1, 2010
U13 – Players born on or after July 1, 2011
U12 – Players born on or after July 1, 2012
Q: How old do I have to be to start playing club volleyball? It is never too early to start!
We have had players as young as nine years old playing on our U12 teams in past years.
The earlier the athlete is introduced to the sport of volleyball the more likely they are to
develop the correct technique.
Q: When and where are games played?
Club volleyball is arranged by age groups and tournaments are held on weekends. Most local tournaments are one-day events held in the greater Seattle/Tacoma area, and most regional or national tournaments are three-day events. Each day of a tournament is an all-day affair typically starting about 8:00am and ending around 6:00pm with teams playing multiple matches in a day.
Sudden Impact Questions
Q: What kind of organization is Sudden Impact?
SUDDEN IMPACT VOLLEYBALL CLUB is a registered Non-Profit Corporation in the State of
Washington with 501(c)(3) status and is a member in good standing within the Puget Sound
Region of USA Volleyball.
Q: When are Tryouts?
SIVBC will announce its tryout dates/times in early fall. The Puget Sound Region sets the
tryout date window for all ages in the region, and in the past several years has set tryouts as follows:
U12-U14 age groups in the last weekend in Oct. U15-U18 age groups the week of July 27th
Please watch the front page of this website for SIVBC’s actual tryout dates/times.
Q: What age groups will you be offering in 2024-2025?
SIVBC typically offer two teams in each age group from U12-U16, U17-U18 one or more teams are offered. As we get closer to tryouts, we will announce which age groups SIVBC will be offering.
Q: Where do you practice?
All of our teams will practice at the I-90 Volleyball Center in Bellevue located at 13405 SE 30th
Street, Suite 1B, Bellevue, WA 98005. Teams typically will practice for two hours on either a
Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday schedule from as early as 4:00pm to as late as 9:55pm
with additional practices for some teams held on non-tournament playing weekends.
Q: How competitive are your teams?
SIVBC teams are typically ranked among the region’s best, with many of our players earning all-league, all-area and all-state recognition at the high school level, with some garnering recognition at the national level. Many of our athletes go on to play at the collegiate level. SIVBC requires each athlete to be highly committed to their teams practice and tournament schedule.
Q: What are your fees?
Our per-team fee structure for the 2024-2025 season will be available at our tryouts.
Q: What do your fees cover?
SIVBC traditionally offers an “all in” fee structure where the entire season cost, including all travel costs for players, coaches, and one chaperone per team, are included in our fee structure. SIVBC’s fee structure is commensurate with other top tier clubs within the region where travel to national qualifying tournaments and a season-ending national championship tournament, for some teams, is included in the fee structure.
Q: Do your teams travel and compete nationally?
Older teams travel more than younger teams as exposure to college recruiting becomes an important part of the game. Specific team schedules for the 2024-2025 season will be available at our tryouts.